I have spoken to numerous organizations across the country for years on networking.  Over the last few years many of these meetings are attended by people in transition looking for their next position.  I am also one of the founders of Laguna Niguel Connectors that has over 2000 members and has become a community for those in transition and others who help and support them.

What I have seen over the years is that most people don’t have a clue on what to do when they lose their jobs. Nada.  Many people who were in senior management with the greatest degrees from the best schools can be the worst at finding their way back on the treadmill.  Nobody has been trained on what to do when you are let go.

A few years ago I read an article in theOC Register saying that if you were 30,  the chances of you getting fired in the next 20 years were 90%.  Five years ago many people didn’t believe that stat but now everyone does.

I think that the majority of MBA schools probably think they don’t need courses on what to do when you are in transition because they think their curriculums and degrees will make their students bullet proof.  That is not true in the new normal of high unemployment.  The unemployment rate in the U.S. is 9.2% currently.  In Canada, the unemployment rate is 7.4%.  That hasn’t been the case for decades.

The academic knowledge that people learn in MBA Schools is invaluable.  However it doesn’t prepare people for the world of transition.  The Alumni groups of most schools are not equipped to handle all the needs of their graduates who are now among the unemployed.  If you think that the Alumni Affairs Department is going to get you your next job with their diminished resources you will be highly disappointed.

Getting a job today requires a lot of street smarts and excellent networking skills.  Those skills aren’t taught in schools.

I see many people who are new to the world of transition and they are lost.  They worked in busy environments where they had too much to do and were too busy to network.  Then they immediately enter a world where their lives aren’t full of what things to do, deadlines, and meetings.  Many long to return to boring meetings.

They don’t know how to file for unemployment, what a COBRA is. (Could they have picked a worse name for transitional medical coverage?)

MBA Schools have trained people on how to be successful in the workplace. But what if that workplace doesn’t exist anymore?  You haven’t been trained on how to find a job.

All schools should have a core curriculum how to network and how to build a lifelong referral network.  They need to educate their students that networking is a lifelong pursuit and not just something you do when you are looking for a job.  Your data base is worth more than your MBA in life. Schools need to understand that who you know versus what you know is increasingly true in the new normal.

Schools should encourage their students to have their own personal website and business cards.  They need to teach their students how to use Linkedin and social media even if they are training engineers. They need to instill a knowledge in today’s students that they will be forever a personal brand working within a variety of corporate brands and I don’t think that is happening.

Schools need to teach how to make you bulletproof within an organization.  Is that going to come through your MBA or your extensive and broad base of resources in your network?

What is more important for you?  That your kids have an MBA or a strong network?  It’s time to change curriculums to compete in the new world.

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Watch his video on YouTube on How to Rise Above the Crowd.


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