I received an e mail from a young man the other day. I am very easy to find and connect with because I market myself.  He had read my blogs and watched some of my videos on New Business Development.

He was new to the agency world but he was in charge of his agency’s New Business program.  He characterized himself as a new biz kid.

He was reaching out because he hadn’t received any training at the agency on how to pursue New Business.  It was learn as you go.  The training program of the New Normal.

I am glad that he wasn’t my dentist or learning to drive on the 405.

He emailed me and shared that he would love to engage with a new biz consultant to potentially do some training work for their agency. He shared that unfortunately the agency principal wouldn’t be interested in spending the money. Another cobbler in a Zappos World.

He told me in advance that if I didn’t respond he would understand because he understood I can’t work for free. The wisdom of youth.

He was all alone facing the wall of producing results.

We followed up and had a live chat.

He shared his frustrations.

I know that we are like every other agency out there he shared.  There are many agencies right down the road that do the same things that we do. It is so hard to differentiate our agency.  We are very good at what we do but I am sure so are the other agencies.  I am just not sure what strategy to take or how to position ourselves.  He carried burdens that shouldn’t have been his.

He was a very smart young man.

He knew his strengths and his weaknesses and was candid about them.

I am connected to the to the President of the agency where the young man works.

He accepted my invitation to connect but didn’t pursue me.

I was doing a review at the time.

An agency in his city which was a long shot won the business.

If I was conducting another review I wouldn’t contact him but I would contact his New Business Person.  He is a lot smarter.  I am sure that he will be fine.  Soon he will be working at another agency.  I will contact him there.

Connect with Hank on Linkedin, Twitter, or Facebook:


Watch a video called: Does Cold Calling Work For Advertising Agencies? 


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX5eeb-ir6A]

You may also enjoy this article on Why Finding An Agency is Not an Easy Task.

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