Are Your Agency's New Business Efforts A Waste of Time

It is great to have perspective in business and in life. I have learned a lot about the ways agencies hunt from my hunting experiences and being an agency review consultant. I often see many new business efforts that are a total waste of time. I could be talking on...

The Most Powerful Word in Agency New Business is NO.

The most game changing word in new business is one that advertising, digital and PR agencies rarely use. It is NO. Yes. NO.  Agencies need to say NO more often in New Business.  I can’t do that you say.  I am a yes person.  It’s time to change.  The industry has...

Are Solopreneurs the Future in the New Normal?

I read an interesting article by Jan Norman in the OC Register today on Solopreneurs. Yes, I get the OC Register and the LA Times delivered. I read the article after I scanned the New York Times and the Globe and Mail on my iPad. Now I have written about How to Create...

Is Networking A First Thought or an Afterthought?

I had a light bulb moment one time.  The switch was turned on by a great guide that helps from time to time. Like all self employed people during the Great Recession I was chasing the Yankee Dollar.  I was going through the desert looking for the oasis of money. My...

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