May 9, 2013 | Hank Blank, Networking, Social Networking |
This is a recent blog that I wrote for Marketing Executives Network Group or MENG. Remember playing hopscotch? It was easy to play. All you needed was some chalk. Maybe you stole it from school. Life in the New Normal is very much the same game. Just like hopscotch...
Apr 21, 2013 | Hank Blank, Networking, New Business Development, Social Networking |
We have all read the stats. A billion people on Facebook, hundreds of millions on Twitter and LinkedIn. Billions of blogs including this one. I was reading an article in the New York Times this morning on my iPad while lying in bed. I had to make sure I wasn’t...
Apr 16, 2013 | Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Hank Blank, Marketing, Networking, New Business Development |
I was having an early morning coffee with a client the other day. Today clients often have very early morning Starbucks because they have a lot to do with fewer resources to accomplish them. He was sharing with me a story about one of his clients. Yes clients have...
Apr 13, 2013 | Hank Blank, Networking |
Prior to reading this you may want to check out It’s Graduation Time. Lesson One. In the Old Normal extracurricular activities may have made you well rounded. In the New Normal your knowledge of technology makes you king or queen or prince or princess. Know than the...
Apr 13, 2013 | Career, Hank Blank, Job Hunting for Graduates, Job Hunting Tips, Networking |
It will be graduation time soon. So what kind of world will you be graduating into? There will be at least two worlds. The first is one you can’t control and that world is called the New Normal. The New Normal Started in September 2008 when the world almost melted...
Apr 7, 2013 | Great Recession, Hank Blank, Job Hunting, Marketing, Networking, Social Networking |
I was at Starbucks the other day. Starbucks is the official office of the New Normal. It is filled by people who are working all day long without paying rent. There’s free Wi-Fi as well. I walked by a fellow who was talking to some colleagues. The words that...
Apr 4, 2013 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Principals, Hank Blank, New Business Development, Social Networking |
There is an expression we have all heard. Are you in the business or on top of the Business? When you work for an agency it is critically important for you to be in the business. You see the security of an advertising, PR or digital employee is often based on how...
Mar 31, 2013 | Branding, Hank Blank, Linkedin, Networking, New Business process., New Normal, Social Media, Successful Companies |
I recently wrote this article for The UPS Store Small Business Solutions. In today’s small business environment there is intense competition. It’s a crowded world out there. That is nothing new to the readers of The UPS Small Business Solutions blogs. But one major...
Mar 3, 2013 | Agency Review Consultant, Branding, Career, Finding a Job, Graduates, Hank Blank, Job Search, Linkedin, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, New Normal |
So how are things going so far as we enter year five of the New Normal? Having a jolly old time? The New Normal was created when the world melted in the fall of 2008. Lehman Brothers went away. Remember those days? I am sure that the 2.8 million people that lost...
Feb 26, 2013 | Hank Blank, Job Hunting, Networking, New Business Development, Social Networking |
Are you a finder or a grinder? An inside person or an outside person? I recently spoke to the Albuquerque AMA Chapter about How to Rise Above the Crowd. I talked at one point about Finders and Grinders. A couple of people followed up and said those descriptions...