Jul 24, 2011 | Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Career, Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Job Search, Jobs, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Social Media, Social Networking, Transition |
I blog and speak on networking often. I have also spent years networking as my primary way of building my business. I thought I would add something new to the mix and provide a recently shot short video on the Power of Networking. It is overview of what I have...
Jul 19, 2011 | Career, Finding a Job, Job Search, Jobs, Marketing, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Social Media, Social Networking, Transition |
I have spoken to numerous organizations across the country for years on networking. Over the last few years many of these meetings are attended by people in transition looking for their next position. I am also one of the founders of Laguna Niguel Connectors that...
Jul 10, 2011 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Career, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Marketing, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Small and Smart Agencies, Small Smart Agencies |
I am lucky to have a unique perspective as I began my career working on New Business at major agencies in Canada and the U.S. I have also conducted agency reviews for a number of companies including Jenny Craig, Villeroy & Boch, and Raley’s Supermarkets. I see it...
Jun 20, 2011 | Career, Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Job Search, Jobs, Marketing, Networking, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Social Media, Transition |
I recently wrote three blogs around the theme of hating to network. They were called Hank Blank’s Networking Tips for Those Who Hate to Network, More Networking Tips for Those Who Hate to Network and Networking Tips for College Students Who Hate to Network. They were...
Jun 12, 2011 | Advertising Agencies, Career, Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Job Search, Jobs, Marketing, Networking, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Social Media, Transition |
I have spoken on college campuses for many years now. The thought of networking was a foreign concept to students in the past. Oh, and I am not talking about being on Facebook. That is socializing, not really networking in a business sense. I think when students...
Jun 4, 2011 | Career, Finding a Job, Job Search, Jobs, Marketing, Networking, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Social Networking, Transition |
I wrote a blog last week called Hank Blank’s Networking Tips for Those Who Hate to Network. I published it on Memorial Day and got the most readers on a single day for any of my blogs. I must have addressed a need. Or maybe, people had nothing to do on Memorial Day!...
May 28, 2011 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Reviews, Career, Digital Agencies, Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Job Search, Jobs, Networking, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Purpose Driven Networking, Social Networking, Transition |
I have spoken to companies and organizations across the country on networking. I didn’t start that way. I started like everyone else by going to networking events with friends and talking to people I know. I was socializing but I called it networking. People always...
May 25, 2011 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Career, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Marketing, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Small and Smart Agencies, Small Smart Agencies, Social Media, Transition |
I’ve heard it time and time again, from many agency principals across the country on how they are the Cobbler’s Children. First, I am truly amazed that many of these agency principals impress me with their knowledge and their smarts, yet they acknowledge dumping...
May 17, 2011 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Digital Agencies, Interactive Agencies, Marketing, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Small and Smart Agencies, Small Smart Agencies, Social Media, Social Networking |
In order to succeed today, advertising, public relations and digital agencies need to be core and connected. I live in Orange County, the heart of the action sports industry. If you are part of that industry you must be core. My buddy Vipe Desai, who is certainly...
May 9, 2011 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Career, Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Job Search, Jobs, Marketing, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Purpose Driven Networking, Small and Smart Agencies, Small Smart Agencies, Social Media, Social Networking, Transition |
Tip # 1 Teach your Children to Network Well. I have written a blog about this in the past and as time passes, I increasingly think networking expertise will be imperative to your children’s career success. I recently heard a radio recruitment ad for a local college;...