May 28, 2012 | Best Way to Get a Job, Career, Change, Finding a Job, Hank Blank, HR, Job Hunting, Job Hunting Tips, Job Search, Jobs, Linkedin, Networking, New Normal, Social Networking, Successful Companies, Training, Well Networked Companies, Working |
While travelling recently I read a new survey in USA Today Snapshots on Loyalty Gap perceptions between Employers and Employees. It shared that 59% of employers in 2011 felt that they were very loyal to their employees and that percentage had increased from 52% in...
May 20, 2012 | Career, Hank Blank, HR, Linkedin, Networking, New Business, Successful Companies, Well Networked Companies |
I recently posted a blog outlining that the Most Successful Companies Will be the Best Networked Companies and will train their Employees How to Network. The bottom line of that blog was that well networked companies will be better able to compete in the New Normal...
May 5, 2012 | Best Way to Get a Job, Career, Hank Blank, Linkedin, Networking, New Business Development, Personal Branding, Social Media, Social Networking, Successful Companies, Training |
In the New Normal we live in a world where companies are cash rich but are slow to hire and banks are more liquid than they have ever been in decades but don’t lend money. Companies want loyal and motivated employees but will fire people at the drop of a hat....
Apr 22, 2012 | Best Way to Get a Job, Career, Finding a Job, Graduates, Guidance Offices, Hank Blank, Job Hunting, Job Hunting Tips, Job Search, Jobs, Linkedin, Networking, New Normal, Personal Branding |
I have spoken on many campuses on networking for over a decade now and I have written many posts hopefully helping today’s young people become better networkers. One of my most popular blogs remains Networking Tips for Young People and College Students Who Hate to...
Apr 15, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Relationships, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Clients, CMO, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Marketing, New Business, New Business Development, New Business process., Social Networking |
I think I have a unique perspective on New Business Development because I have walked both sides of the street. I have been a successful new business hunter and have conducted agency searches for companies such as Jenny Craig, Raley’s Supermarkets and Jacuzzi North...
Apr 13, 2012 | Best Way to Get a Job, Career, Finding a Job, Fired, Graduates, Hank Blank, HR, Job Hunting, Job Hunting Tips, Job Search, Jobs, Networking, Personal Branding, Transition |
Although the employment outlook is getting better, many great people remain on the sideline. Some are getting increasingly frustrated as they see others get hired. As a Co Founder of Laguna Niguel Connectors and a person that has spoken to numerous transition groups...
Mar 30, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Marketing, Networking, New Business Development, Public Relations, Social Networking |
I have always been an advertising person in its former and current evolutions. I have worked for many of the top agencies in Canada and the U.S. The advertising world can be a world of hype and personal promotion. The stakes in the show are high. No matter what...
Mar 28, 2012 | Best Way to Get a Job, Finding a Job, Fired, Graduates, Hank Blank, HR, Job Hunting, Job Hunting Tips, Job Search, Jobs, Networking, New Normal, Recruiters, Working |
As a Co Founder of Laguna Niguel Connectors and a person that has spoken to numerous transition groups throughout Southern California I am ecstatic that the employment outlook is getting better. As a native in the New Normal I know that you have to be prepared for all...
Mar 20, 2012 | Account Management, Advertising Agencies, Agency Relationships, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Branding, CEO's, Clients, CMO, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Managing Agencies., Marketing, New Business, New Business Development, New Business process., Public Relations, Small and Smart Agencies, Small Smart Agencies, Social Media, Social Networking |
I have worked for many great agencies in my career. I have also conducted agency searches for clients like Jenny Craig, Raley’s Supermarkets, and Jacuzzi. I believe I have a perspective from both sides of the street. I reach out to agencies all the time and this...
Mar 11, 2012 | Career, Change, Finding a Job, Graduates, Guidance Offices, Job Hunting, Job Hunting Tips, Job Search, Jobs, Networking, New Normal |
We all know about the term Glass Ceiling which refers to the unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. I think that today’s glass ceiling...