Oct 11, 2010 | Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Job Search, Jobs, Networking, Personal Branding, Social Networking |
I have been networking for years so I have met, meet and interact with lots of people. I wanted to share some recent observations with you about what works and doesn’t work in networking based on some things that happened to me in the past week or so. Things are...
Jul 18, 2010 | Finding a Job, Hank Blank, Job Search, Networking, Personal Branding, Social Networking |
In today’s world is it imperative that you rise above the crowd. It is a crowded world out there. There are millions of people looking for their next assignment. Increasingly companies and recruiters are finding the people they want versus having individuals find...
Jun 28, 2010 | Hank Blank, Job Search, Networking, Personal Branding, Social Networking |
I run an advertising and public relations consultancy in Laguna Niguel. Been doing it since 2001 in good times and bad times. As I have to create a job for myself every day I spend time both in the oasis of good times and occasionally in the desert. I know that when...