Even More Networking Tips from Hank Blank

Tip # 1 Teach your Children to Network Well. I have written a blog about this in the past and as time passes, I increasingly think networking expertise will be imperative to your children’s career success.  I recently heard a radio recruitment ad for a local college;...

Seven More Networking Tips from Hank Blank

Tip Number 1 Amplify Your Voice. Have you ever sent out a press release on Business Wire or another wire service to have your brand rise above the crowd?  I sent out four last year.  This isn’t about me – it’s about Google.  My electronically optimized press releases...

Ten Networking Tips By Hank Blank

I spoke this week to Mark James’ ExecuNet Group here in The OC this week.  My presentation was called the Top Secrets of Professional Job Search Networking.  Thought I would share some of my thoughts here. Tip Number 1. You will land. The momentum is going in the...

How to Stay Strong When the Search is Long.

I recently posted this on the MENG blog. Marketing Executives Networking Group which is comprised of over 1800 Senior Marketing people across the country. I recently heard on NPR news that the majority of those who are in transition have been without a job for over 39...

Who Has the Great Recession Changed the Most? Clients or Agencies?

We certainly have been living through a great game changer.  The great recession.  It started in 2007 so we are now in our 4th year.  About as long as the U.S. was in the Second World War. I think to answer this question we have to start with everyone’s target group,...

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