It's Time for Agencies to Stop Giving it Away.

The Advertising Industry is a very interesting game. If you love ideas and innovation and change and craziness and stimulating people then it is a great field for you. But, it is also a crazy business that often gives away their creativity for free. Yet, in any city...

Should Marketers Conduct Their Own Agency Searches?

These are interesting and challenging times for Marketers.  I recently read in the Harvard Business Review that Marketing is Dead. The article cites that CEOs have lost all patience. In a study of 600 CEOs and decision makers by the London-based Fournaise Marketing...

Are Marketers Still Stewards of the Brand?

I started working in the Advertising Business in the New Normal.  When I was a puppy and worked on my first account, McDonald’s, I was told that it was basically a privilege and to act and work accordingly. You were basically challenged to rise to the occasion. The...

How Advertising Agencies Can Get More New Business.

I think I have a unique perspective on New Business Development because I have walked both sides of the street. I have been a successful new business hunter and have conducted agency searches for companies such as Jenny Craig, Raley’s Supermarkets and  Jacuzzi North...

What New Business People Can Learn from Don Draper.

Everybody certainly knows Mad Men and its leading character Don Draper, Creative Director of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.  I was listening to an NPR story recently about the launch of the new season.  In an excerpt from the new episode somebody ask Don what account...

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