Jan 13, 2013 | Account Executive, Account Management, Advertising Agencies, Agency Training, Career, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, HR, Managing Agencies., Public Relations |
Something is missing in advertising today: training. It used to be the basic foundation of how agencies operated. It provided direction to all. Unfortunately, there is no training anymore. Nada. Zero. Here are your business cards, here is your cube or office, there is...
Jan 4, 2013 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Hank Blank, Marketing, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, New Business process., Social Networking |
I had coffee the other day with a marketing consultant who shared an interesting thought with me: he feels that young account people today don’t really get to know their clients, and don’t know how to build relationships. He blamed it on the way agencies communicate...
Dec 13, 2012 | Account Management, Advertising Agencies, Agency Evaluations, Agency Relationships, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Agency Training, Career Success, CMO, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, New Business, New Business Development, New Business process. |
I have heard a lot of stories during my advertising career. When I did a review for a client a few years ago I remember a client telling me about a meeting they had with their agency in New York before they announced that they were doing a review. They had scheduled...
Dec 6, 2012 | Account Executive, Account Management, Advertising Agencies, Agency Training, Career, Millennials, Training |
I had a glass of wine the other night with a friend who runs a large local agency. He talked how committed his agency was to training its young people really well by rotating them around into all the areas of their product so they would be well rounded. He lamented...
Dec 1, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, CMO, Hank Blank, New Business Development |
I like talking to agencies and to clients. Always learn a lot with a little listening. I was talking to my agency friends at Tag in Philadelphia the other day. We were having a proper chat. They shared a story about a recent New Business pitch that they made with a...
Nov 27, 2012 | Account Executive, Account Management, Advertising Agencies, Agency Relationships, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Agency Training, Hank Blank, Managing Agencies., New Business, New Business Development, New Business process., Small and Smart Agencies |
I was born an advertising guy. I found the business a playfield of bliss, elixir, quicksand and mire; elation and elevation. It was an industry of magic and alchemy and fact based decision making – that’s why JWT’s symbol of an owl and a lamp always resonated...
Nov 18, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Hank Blank, New Business, New Business Development |
I have met with a many advertising agencies both as an agency search consultant and as a New Business Development person. I have attended numerous conferences and have heard a variety of client and agency speakers all say the same thing. Most advertising agencies...
Nov 8, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, CMO, Hank Blank, Networking, New Business, New Business Development, New Business process. |
It is great to have perspective in business and in life. I have learned a lot about the ways agencies hunt from my hunting experiences and being an agency review consultant. I often see many new business efforts that are a total waste of time. I could be talking on...
Oct 31, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Relationships, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, CMO, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Marketing, New Business, New Business Development, Social Networking |
The most game changing word in new business is one that advertising, digital and PR agencies rarely use. It is NO. Yes. NO. Agencies need to say NO more often in New Business. I can’t do that you say. I am a yes person. It’s time to change. The industry has...
Oct 27, 2012 | Advertising Agencies, Agency Review Consultant, Agency Reviews, Agency Searches, Change, CMO, Digital Agencies, Hank Blank, Interactive Agencies, Managing Agencies., Marketing, New Business, New Business Development, New Business process., Small and Smart Agencies, Small Smart Agencies |
I went to a very interesting New Business Conference this week sponsored by Think LA and Mirren. A number of speakers from different agencies focused on the common problems facing the industry. The move to more project based assignments versus AOR relationships,...